Welcome to the website of the Japan-Korea Partnership Program of the LMU Munich Faculty of Law
LMU 뮌헨법대 한-일 파트너십 프로그램 홈페이지에 오신것을 환영합니다
Since 2001, the LMU Munich Faculty of Law has maintained close relations with the Law School of the Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto (Japan) and the School of Law of the Seoul National University (Korea). In 2013, this partnership was expanded with the Faculty of Law of Chuo University, Tokyo (Japan).
Today, there are partnership agreements with the law faculties of the Chuo University and the Seoul National University.
Opportunities for academic staff
Academic staff from the law faculties of the Chuo University and the Seoul National University have the possibility to benefit from the exchange agreements and, after consultation with the Japan-Korea Partnership Program, to undertake visiting research stays at LMU Munich, Faculty of Law. For further questions please do not hesitate to contact us via our contact form. Please visit also LMU's international scholars website.