Curriculum Vitae
- Born 1976 in Munich
- Studies in law in Munich (1997–2002) and Oxford (2002–2003); scholarship of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation and the German Academic Exchange Service
- 2003–2006 Practical legal training (Referendariat), Hanseatic Court of Appeal, Hamburg
- 2004 Summer course at the Hague Academy of International Law; scholarship of the German Academic Exchange Service
- 2006 Doctor iuris (Dr. iur.), University of Hamburg; Otto Hahn Medal of the Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science
- December 2012 Habilitation at the University of Hamburg and venia legendi for Private Law, Private International Law, Comparative Law, Civil Procedure, Commercial Law and Public International Law; Successio Prize of the Swiss Succession Law Society and W. Rainer Walz Prize of the Institute for the Law of Foundations and Nonprofit Organizations at the Bucerius Law School, Hamburg
- 2003–2006 Research Associate, 2007-2014 Senior Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law
- 2009 Visiting Fellow at the University of Cambridge; 2021 Visiting Scholar at the University of Edinburgh; 2024 Scholar-in-residence at New York University; guest lecturer at Adam Mickiewicz University Poznan (2005–2014), at Vienna University of Economics and Business (2007), at Kyushu University Fukuoka (2012), at University of Auckland (EUCN Visiting Fellow 2013), at Lomonosov Moscow State University (2015), at Hebrew University Jerusalem (2022, 2023), at University of Catania (2022) and at Chūō-University Tokio (2023)
- 2013–2014 interim professor at the University of Passau and the University of Regensburg
- 2014–2017 full professor at the University of Regensburg, since April 2017 at the Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich
- Member of the Academic Board of the Federal Association of German Civil Status Officers (since 2010)
- Member of the German Council of Private International Law (Federal Ministry of Justice) (since 2015)
- Member of the Expert Group of the European Commission on the revision of the Brussels IIa Regulation (2015)
- Corresponding member of the Cambridge Family Law Centre at the University of Cambridge (since 2016), associate member of the Centre for Private International Law at the University of Aberdeen (since 2020), international corresponding member of the Nordic Centre for Comparative and International Family Law (since 2023)
- Member of the reform commission of the German Family Court Association (since 2017)
- Member (membre associé) of the Académie internationale de droit comparé (since 2019)
- Member of the the scientific advisory board of the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law (since 2024)
- Tutor (Vertrauensdozent) of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation (since 2017)
- Distinguished Fellow of the Hebrew University Jerusalem (since 2024)