Chair of Private Law, Intellectual Property and Competition Law

Intellectual property law encompasses patent law, copyright law and trade mark law, each with related rights. In research and teaching, the chair is focused on these areas as well as unfair competition law. We are particularly interested in their EU and international aspects, including the general principles that apply to intellectual property law as a whole. The chair co-edits the journal “Gewerblicher Rechtschutz und Urheberrecht” (GRUR), the copyright commentary founded by Gerhard Schricker and commentaries on the German Unfair Competition Act (Ohly/Sosnitza) and the German Act on the Protection of Trade Secrets (Harte-Bavendamm/Ohly/Kalbfus).

Prof. Dr. jur. Ansgar Ohly, LL.M. (Cambridge)

University Professor


Ludwigstr. 29
80539 München
Dawn-Yvette Ehlermann
Opening hours: Mon - Thu 09:00am-13:00pm
and by appointment
+49 89 2180-1269

Academic staff

Ass. jur. Diana Liebenau, LL.M. (Harvard)
Alexander Winkler
PD Dr. jur. Andreas Sattler, LL.M. (Nottingham)

Student assistants

  • Benedict Adam
  • Paula Brandl
  • Alicia Brandtner
  • Theo Findeis
  • Maximilian Freutsmiedl
  • Anastasia Raus