Chair of German and European Legal History, Roman and Canon Law (ius commune) and Private Law

Prof. Dr. jur. Susanne Lepsius, M.A. (Chicago)

Send an email

+49 89 2180-5379

+49 89 2180-2344


Room V 207
Professor-Huber-Platz 2
80539 München
+49 89 2180-2124
Monday to Thursday 10 am - 01:30 pm

Academic staff

Dr. jur. Felix Grollmann, M.A.

Send an email

+49 89 2180-3263

+49 89 2180-2344

Studentische Hilfskräfte

  • Abdelkhalek, Michael
  • David, Lea
  • Dawo, Nina
  • Öttl, Simon

Accordion (standard)

Every accordion elemente needs a headline that is visible at all times.

There must be a text that becomes visible on opening the accordion element.

In the editing dialog there is a list of the accordion elements. On mouseover a drag&drop icon becomes visible. There are also arrows pointing up and down. You may use either option.

Accordion (standard)

Every accordion elemente needs a headline that is visible at all times.

There must be a text that becomes visible on opening the accordion element.

In the editing dialog there is a list of the accordion elements. On mouseover a drag&drop icon becomes visible. There are also arrows pointing up and down. You may use either option.